Longevity and Health Preservation


Acupuncture in Exeter: Devon coast east of Sidmouth Here, I offer you a brief insight into ancient Chinese wisdom, and show with the aid of some examples, how well it resonates with the results of modern medical research. If you take away a flavour of this short article and change just one thing in your life as a result, then your time reading it will have been well spent.

The Chinese have long been interested in lengthening life and maintaining youth, and this has informed medical practice since ancient times. “Chang shou” or long life, is considered a blessing of heaven: it is a reward to be reaped for following the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, about work, rest, diet, dress etc. (For some specific examples of these teachings, please read some of my Seasonal Tips.)

Tree nr Chagford

The idea of such preventative medicine appears in the classic texts of two millennia ago: “To wait for the battle before forging the weapons, to wait until one is thirsty before digging the well, is this not too late?” It is often said that people in those days, would therefore attend for acupuncture and advice at regular intervals during the year, most usually at the change of seasons, because that is when we are more vulnerable to imbalance.

Now we shall look at just two categories from a long list which the Chinese refer to as the causes of disease: these will be our emotional life, and our diet/eating habits. Bear in mind that moderation in all things, serves us well: to overemphasise exercise, at the expense of say diet, is not helpful.

Our Emotions & Their Health Implications

“When faced with something exasperating, one should calmly consider which is more important, anger or health.” (Cao Tong, Qing dynasty AD 1644-1912).

Emotions are considered in Chinese medicine, to harm us when we experience them too intensely or for too long: to be annoyed about a speeding ticket the day you have opened the envelope, would be understandable; to be completely enraged, or to still be angry six months later, would not! Indeed modern research shows a bout of intense anger increases the risk of a stroke within 2 hours, by a factor of 14 (Neurology Journal 2004), and increases by a factor of 17, the likelihood of a potentially fatal heart rhythm disturbance (Circulation Journal 2004). By comparison:

“Laughing makes you ten years younger.” (Chinese saying)

If things frequently wind you up, try to practise creating a space between the trigger, and your reaction. You then have a better chance of seeing that you’ve a choice between your old habitual reaction, and a new response which is less harmful to you.

For good health and a sense of well being, we need to promote a harmonious flow of Qi in the body. This is achieved by meditation, relaxation, exercise, happiness, and by cultivating a free flow of all our emotions, such that particular ones do not significantly linger or predominate.

“Flow with whatever is happening and let your mind be free. Stay centred by accepting whatever you are doing.” (Chuang Tzu c. BC369-286)

A lack of the more positive feelings, is seen as equally unhelpful: “People have illness because they do not have love in their life and are not cherished.” (Sun Simiao AD581-682) From the modern medical profession,”Those who feel lonely, depressed or isolated, are 3 to 5 times more likely to suffer premature death or disease. I don’t know of anything else across medicine that has such a broad and powerful impact.” (Dr Dean Ornish, Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California.) In the UK nowadays, depression is one of the top five conditions people seek acupuncture treatment for.

Diet & Recommendations on How to Eat

“Taking medicine but neglecting diet, wastes the skill of the physician.”  (Chinese proverb)

The more freshly-picked the fruit and vegetables are, the more abundant their Qi content.Diet is a cornerstone of good health. Chinese medicine can guide not only what we eat, but how we eat it. The ancient Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, advised “The five cereals are staple food; the five fruits are auxiliary; the five meats are beneficial; the five vegetables should be taken in abundance.” 2500 years later, these priorities resonate strikingly with the UK’s “5-(portions of fruit & veg) a-Day” campaign. Over the centuries, subsequent texts reveal sophisticated developments in the use of food, including the transition to cooked food, made possible by drilling wood to create fire. Yi Yin in the Shang dynasty (BC1600-1046) emphasised that physicians should use the right kinds of food to help cure disease; food had now become equal to medicine.

In essence, we should supplement the mild, bland foods such as rice, vegetables and potatoes, with smaller amounts of nourishing, richer foods, such as fish, meat and dairy. To this can be added modest quantities of stronger flavours from spices or sugar. The balance between all these constituents is not rigid, but depends on our daily activity eg manual labour or lots of sport, versus a desk job. It also needs to accommodate our stage in life eg the growing teenage years, or pregnancy. It should even pay heed to the climate in which we live or work.

Foods today are chosen to support the patient’s Qi, balance yin and yang, and to treat illness. So when recommending particular foods to a patient, an acupuncturist will take account of a host of factors, including the person’s complaint, age, constitution, living and working environment etc. You do not have to be unwell to benefit from advice on the most appropriate diet for you; we should all choose foods which help maintain our health.

Museli with fresh berries: an excellent breakfastFinally, there is how we eat. Never skip breakfast. “People who eat breakfast are significantly less likely to be obese and suffer from diabetes than those who usually do not.” (American Heart Association’s 43rd Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease & Prevention).

Try to take in most of your food up to and including lunchtime. Eat sitting, and relaxed, and not when stressed or angry.

Think about the food you are tasting, rather than devouring an entire plateful absentmindedly. Eat slowly and chew your food well.

“The stomach has no teeth”  (Chinese saying)

Eat only to 7/10 full. After the meal, rub your abdomen with a circular motion, 25 times clockwise then 25 times anti-clockwise. Finally, after a short rest at the table, take a stroll. The Chinese say,”Walk a hundred paces after a meal, and one can live ninety-nine years.”

Below, you will find some modern medical research from which you might wish to take a few healthy living tips.

Optimising the use of Iron Supplements

Iron supplementIf an iron supplement has been recommended to you by a professional, then here are some useful guidelines for taking it. If you are unaware of these considerations, you won’t get the best value for money from your supplement and it may take longer than necessary for your iron levels to get back up to normal.

A good deal of research has been conducted in this area, much of it on individual dietary components in order to minimise the variables. When a typical complete diet is considered, the results may be a little different, but it probably won’t invalidate the broad recommendations that follow from what I have written. This is a surprisingly complex subject and there is more waiting to be discovered, but treat this as a simplified summary.

Iron is unusual in that 90% of our daily needs are met from within, from the natural breakdown of old red blood cells in fact. Some iron is lost by for example menstrual bleeding and the shedding of skin cells. In adults, the sum of these losses must be compensated for by diet. Certain diets and medical conditions will mean that supplementation is beneficial at intervals.

Haem and Non-Haem Iron

Dietary iron comes in two forms:

Meat is a source of haem iron. Haem iron is found in meat, fish and poultry. It is the most easily absorbed form of dietary iron.

Dark leafy greens are a source of non-haem iron.Non-haem iron is found in plant foods but also occurs in animal tissue. It is significantly less well absorbed than haem iron [1], so vegetarians and vegans have to be more vigilant when it comes to ensuring sufficient iron in their diets. Nevertheless, these foods are important components of a well-balanced diet.

Inhibitors of Iron Uptake

Walnuts contain phytates.Some components in our diets can inhibit iron uptake. These are phytates, polyphenols, calcium and animal protein from milk and eggs. Taking these in order, phytates are present in plant-based diets in foods such as whole wheat, oats, rice, black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, soybeans, peanuts, lentils, walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, sesame seeds, potatoes, beetroot, turnips and carrots. Once again, these foods are important elements of a well-balanced diet.

Phytates form complexes with iron, zinc and calcium rendering those minerals hard for the body to absorb. In practice, this would suggest it’s best not to take your iron supplement with your oat porridge in the morning, because you have the presence of phytates and milk.

Black tea, with or without milk, inhibits iron uptake.Next on the list of inhibitors come polyphenols. These are found in some fruit, vegetables, red wine and teas including herbal teas. They offer many benefits including anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and positively should be part of your diet. They do however, inhibit iron absorption. This means don’t have black tea, coffee, cocoa, or herb teas like chamomile or peppermint (the common ones I found referenced in the research literature) at the same time as your iron supplement. Black tea appears the most inhibiting and red wine the least. The addition of milk to tea and coffee appears to make no significant difference.

Calcium supplements can interfere with iron uptake.Another common inhibitor is calcium. This seems to have a limited effect on haem and non-haem iron absorption, being taken up preferentially at the expense of the iron. In the diet as a whole, it is probably less of an issue, but it would seem sensible if you have also been recommended to take a calcium supplement for osteoporosis say, not to take it at the same time as your supplemental iron.

Milk and egg proteins can inhibit iron uptake.Finally, animal proteins such as milk and egg proteins, are also inhibitors of iron uptake, as is soy protein. It would follow that avoiding milk, eggs or sports protein supplements with your iron, would make sense.

Enhancers of Iron Uptake

Vitamin C strongly enhances iron uptake.Next we come to the two main enhancers of iron uptake: vitamin C and animal tissue. Vitamin C is able to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ (see [1] below). Let vitamin C be a trump card for you. It can counteract the unhelpful effects of all the inhibitors mentioned above and is a good supplement to take alongside your iron.

Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C. In vegetarian and vegan diets, fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C can be used at every meal to enhance uptake of the non-haem iron in those meals. Kiwi fruit for example would be a good dessert. Connected with that though, be aware that cooking and storage can degrade vitamin C in food. This applies to freezing, and especially to the boiling of vegetables where vitamins C and B dissolve in the water which gets discarded.

Animal tissue enhances iron uptake.Distinct from the animal-derived proteins mentioned above as inhibitors, animal tissue on the other hand is an enhancer of iron uptake. This includes meat, fish and poultry.


All you really need do is think about the content of your meals from the above perspectives, and you’ll probably be able to settle on a regular time of day for your supplement. For example, if your breakfast is a lovely healthy bowl of muesli (phytates) with berries (polyphenols) and milk (animal protein), then you should probably choose a time later in the day to take your iron.

Resist the temptation to get too tied in knots over these suggestions, or to avoid the inhibitors because in themselves, they are healthy foods offering a range of benefits. The most important thing is that you take your iron supplement at some point in the day, and if you can heed these tips, then so much the better. There is an abundance of research available and I have listed below some starting points if you are interested.

A relatively new school of thought is also that iron absorption may be better when supplements are taken on alternate rather than on consecutive days. The research [2,3] has often used quite high doses of iron and it may not be applicable to all patient groups. It may be helpful for patients who get unwanted digestive side-effects.

[1] If you are curious about the difference in our ability to absorb these two forms, here is an explanation for those interested in chemistry. Non-haem iron is in the ferric or Fe3+ form. The stomach is a highly acidic environment, but the duodenum far less so, meaning that ferric iron would precipitate out when it arrived there. To be successfully absorbed in the small intestine, ferric iron must be soluble and form bonds with helpful organic molecules in the diet, though it can also end up bonding with molecules which inhibit its absorption. Haem iron by contrast is in the ferrous or Fe2+ form and encounters none of these hurdles so is more readily carried into the intestinal absorptive cells.

[2] Iron absorption from supplements is greater with alternate day than with consecutive day dosing in iron-deficient anemic women. Haematologica Journal, May 2020.

[3] Alternate day versus consecutive day oral iron supplementation in iron-depleted women: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. eClinicalMedicine, Lancet Publications, November 2023.

Iron bioavailability and dietary reference values. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 2010.

Soy protein, phytate, and iron-absorption in humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992.

Inhibition of non-haem iron absorption in man by polyphenolic-containing beverages. British Journal Nutrition, 1999.

Calcium supplementation—effect on iron-absorption. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991.

Six Lifestyle Changes that can Prevent 40% of Cancers

Acupuncture in US cancer care

The American Cancer Society has supported a study to assess how 30 cancer types among US adults aged over 30 years in 2019, were attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors. Numbers of cancer cases and deaths were obtained from national data sources, risk factor estimates came from national surveys, and associated relative risks of cancer from published large-scale pooled or meta-analyses. Overall, an estimated 40% of all cancers and 44% of cancer deaths were attributable to these risk factors. 

Although there was slight variability between men and women, the proportions of cancer attributable to the top six risk factors in the population were:

After these six, came factors such as low fruit & vegetable consumption, consumption of processed meat, low dietary fibre, H.pylori infection, and consumption of red meat.

By cancer type, lung cancer had the largest number of cases attributable to evaluated risk factors, followed by skin melanoma.

(Proportion and number of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in the United States, 2019. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 11 July 2024.)

Napping may be Beneficial for Your Brain

Napping may be beneficial for your brain, according to joint research by University College London, Harvard University, and University of the Republic in Uruguay. The study aimed to uncover any potential causal relationship between daytime napping, cognitive function and brain volume. It focused on reaction time and memory because these cognitive abilities tend to decline as people get older. It also examined the hippocampus (an important brain structure for memory) and total brain volumes because they play a significant role in explaining differences in memory and overall thinking skills.

Genetic markers were used to assess the relationship between exposures and outcomes (such as certain traits or diseases). Data was drawn from nearly 379 000 people aged 40-69 who had participated in the UK Biobank study (a large-scale biomedical database). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to assess brain volumes; computerised games that involved identifying matches of cards, were used to test cognitive abilities.

The researchers discovered that people who had genetic variations associated with napping also had larger total brain volume on average. The team says “…as far as we know right now, taking a brief nap in the early afternoon may be restorative and re-energising for those who need it – and may also be beneficial to brain health.”

(Study: Napping may be beneficial for your brain – here’s how. UCL News, 23 June 2023.)

Honey Enhances Cognition and Memory

Acupuncture in Exeter: Honey enhances cognition and memory University-based authors in Malaysia have concluded that honey enhances cognition and memory, following a review of 34 studies on honey consumption, and the physical and/or psychological health of the brain. The studies, selected from an initial 330, were a combination of human and animal studies. Beneficial effects were reported in human subjects for mild cognitive impairment, dementia prevention and short-term memory.

(Honey on brain health: A promising brain booster. Frontiers in Aging & Neuroscience, 17 January 2023.)