South Korean researchers have shown that acupuncture helps post-surgical dry eye syndrome, when used alongside usual care. A total of 18 patients with dry eye syndrome occurring after refractive surgery, received either acupuncture plus usual care, or usual care alone. Acupuncture was given three times per week for a total of 12 treatments.
In the acupuncture group, ocular surface disease index scores tended to decrease, while those in the usual care group increased. After four weeks, there was a significant difference between the two groups, in favour of acupuncture. The team concludes that four weeks of acupuncture treatment in addition to usual care, is a feasible treatment for dry eye syndrome after refractive surgery. A full-scale randomized controlled trial is needed to confirm clinical effectiveness.
(Acupuncture for dry eye syndrome after refractive surgery: A randomized controlled pilot trial. Integrative Medicine Research, March 2021.)