Acupuncture helps Chemotherapy Nausea

Acupuncture helps chemotherapy nausea according to the results of a multicentre study undertaken by hospital and university researchers in France. A total of 115 patients receiving chemotherapy, were randomised to one of four groups: usual care alone; wrist acupuncture; ear acupuncture; wrist and ear acupuncture together. Acupuncture was given just before chemotherapy. All patients received standard antiemetic medication. Nausea intensity was then assessed 24 hours after chemotherapy.

All three acupuncture treatment groups experienced significantly lower nausea intensity compared with the usual care group. None of the interventions though had any effect on vomiting episodes.

(Auriculotherapy and acupuncture treatments for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a multicenter clinical trial. Support Care in Cancer, 31 July 2024.)